I’m a bit of a television junkie. Which makes the fact that I have never watched Lost completely unacceptable. A problem that I have decided to remedy. So take a journey with me as I experience the phenomenon that is Lost for the very first time.
Season 1: Episode 1 – Episode 14
The show seems to be focusing most of its effort on establishing the characters so that hasn’t been too much of the fabled weirdness and I have to say that I’m not all that confused. I don’t expect that to last long.
Anyway, each set of episodes I’ll be giving my personal confusion, intrigue, in-tune and enjoyment rating so you get a feeling of how Lost I am (I can’t believe I’m the first person to think of that pun!). So here’s this set’s ratings and a brief explanation of what they mean.
Confusion Rating: 2/5
As you can imagine, this is how confused I am about what’s going on. Like I said, these episodes are mostly character development so not too many things have me confused. Again, not too likely to stay that way.
Intrigue Rating: 4/5
To me, the most enjoyable shows are the ones that I have to watch to see where the overall story-arc is going. While there may not be too much immediate intrigue, I can see the direction they’re going and I have to say, I’m on board. I’m fully expecting this to be 5/5 for here on out.
In-Tune Rating: 5/5
Anyone who’s met me will tell you that I like to feel smart. So being in-tune with a show and being able to predict big twists is a big plus for me. So far I’ve been pretty good, but I feel like the writers are building up my confidence so they can completely knock me down.
Enjoyment Rating: 3/5
Overall, the point is to enjoy the show. Essentially, what this measures is how eager I am to tune into the next episode (ah, the glory of Netflix). The writers are establishing the characters so I’m giving them a lot of slack but it isn’t the roller coaster that I’ve heard so much about … yet.
Lost Rating: 14/20
Nailed It
The big twists that I nailed in this section.
Sun speaks English
Sun comes from a wealthy family in Korea so it’s safe to assume that she received some type of formal education which, in Korea, includes English classes. It turns out that’s not where she learned English but the point is I got it right, okay!
Sawyer Didn’t Have the Inhaler Meds
Sawyer has proven that he’s a dick but has given me no reason to believe he is cold blooded. When he didn’t try to make a deal or even admit that he had them, I knew that something was up. When it became clear that they were going to torture him, it became completely obvious that he didn’t have them (can’t be condoning torture, this isn’t 24).
Shannon Dying Was Not Real
As much as I wanted Shannon to be dead, I didn’t buy the whole vision quest for a second. First off, Locke may have extreme measures, but I seriously doubted he would put anyone in direct danger like that. Second, it’s too early to be killing a main character. The earliest I see them doing that would be the very end of the season.
Blind Sided
Things I just didn’t see coming.
Locke was in a wheelchair in the real world
There are very subtle hints throughout but anyone who figured this out going in is some sort of psychic.
Sawyer is not really Sawyer
Not sure how I could have seen this coming but I liked it.
Kate killed someone
I bought that she probably committed a crime but I really didn’t think that she had it in her to kill someone.
I’m not going to get too bold because I really don’t feel like I have enough information to even come close to predicting big picture things.
Jin has something shady in his luggage
We know that Jin is some sort of hitman. We also know that he wasn’t getting along so well with Sun. So I’m guessing that he wasn’t in Sydney because he wanted to take his wife on a romantic tour of the outback. I’m thinking some sort of weapon, possibly a rifle that is cleverly concealed in his bag.
Sawyer was in Australia because he thought he found the real Sawyer
It’s really the only explanation I can think of that would bring him the Oz and would fit in with the almost spiritual nature of every character’s reason for being on the plane.
Power Rankings