Monday, May 2, 2011

E-Dunc Watches Lost for the First Time: Part VI

(Post 1) (Post 2) (Post 3) (Post 4) (Post 5)

Season 3: Episode 16Episode 23

Confusion Rating:    6/5
I just have no idea what’s going on. Absolutely none. I mean, Walt made another random appearance, it was alluded to the fact that Jack’s dad is alive now, Jack’s got a beard. I don’t know what to think.

Intrigue Rating:      6/5
You’ll notice this post is shorter as I try to rush through all of these to watch the Season 4 premiere and get some answers.

In-Tune Rating:    3/5
Despite all the unanswered questions at the end of the season, I did pretty well in this small section as far as short-term predictions.

Enjoyment Rating:    5/5
Wow. That’s all I’ve got right now. Wow.

Lost Rating:        20/20

Nailed It
The big twists that I nailed in this section.

Penny not behind the helicopter.
This was a roller coaster prediction. When the person who came out of the helicopter turned out not to be Penny I was extremely confident that I was right. Then I thought I blew it for a second when she talked to Charlie. Then, of course, I found I was right after all.

Hurley saved the day.
They took two or three episodes making Hurley completely useless which led me to predict at the very beginning of the finale that he was going to save the day. There was just no other reason to make him so worthless. Then he came storming the beach in his VW bus and saving the day.

Blind Sided
Things I just didn’t see coming.

Ben gassed the Dharma Initiative.
We knew that Ben was manipulative and driven in his goals, but gassing his father and everyone else he knew in the Dharma Initiative? LeBron James thinks that cold.

Jacob is … um … Jacob.
So I have no idea what Jacob is but I was expecting a, I don’t know, person? I was sort of expecting that there might not be a Jacob but whatever happened in that shack I was not expecting.

Crazy/Interesting Observations

Why did Charlie shut the door?
When the window blew, he was already heading to the door. He could have easily gotten on the other side of the door, and shut it with Desmond’s help. Not possible you say? Well then, why not try squeezing through the window? Who cares if you probably can’t fit through, you’re going to die either way, why not at least try?


Some decide to stay on the Island.I think it’s obvious that Locke is going to try to stay, but I’m going to predict that Rose and Bernard chose to stay. I’m also going to throw out the ridiculously bold prediction that Clare stays too. I don’t know why she would, but I can’t help but shake the feeling that she will.

Ben brings everyone back to the Island, but they have to choose to do so.
Ben seemed pretty hell-bent on keeping Jack and crew on the Island so I gotta think that they’re fairly important for … something. Look for him and Locke to bring everyone back.

Power Rankings