Thursday, March 17, 2011

E-Dunc Watches Lost for the First Time: Part III

(Part I) (Part II)

Season 2: Episode 1 - Episode 14

I wasn’t really expecting the cast to expand this season, but here we are, back at 42. My hatch prediction couldn’t have been farther off but I’m pretty damned intrigued about the direction they’re going.

Confusion Rating:    4/5
Two things are really bothering me: the Dharma Project and The Others. I feel like I have most of the info I need to figure out what their deal is but I just can’t put it together. Everything else is still pretty straightforward.

Intrigue Rating:      5/5
I already mentioned the Dharma Project and The Others but among the other things I’m interested in are why Sawyer is trying SO hard to be hated; what’s with Locke and the baby; and where are we going with this whole Walt thing? I have no answers for all of these.

In-Tune Rating:    3/5
I’m still solid when it comes to in-episode predictions but my long-term predictions have been off … a lot. I’m going to spare myself the embarrassment of listing them all (mainly because I have a feeling I’ve embarrassed myself  enough already).

Enjoyment Rating:    4/5
Things are getting good but I’m worried about the direction of Locke and Charlie. They seem to have lost the character. It happens from time to time in shows as they try to hustle through plotlines. Hopefully they’ll settle back in in the second half.

Lost Rating:        16/20

Nailed It
The big twists that I nailed in this section.

Goodwin was one of The Others
I had this narrowed down to two (Goodwin and Nathan) and when Ana threw Nathan in the cage, I knew it was Goodwin. Kudos to the writers for making Nathan from Canada like Ethan to try to fool us.

Ana was a cop
To be fair, I was using the types of roles she played since Lost to inform this decision. What really convinced me was seeing how she held the gun. People who haven’t held guns before do stupid things like lock their elbows, or use one hand to look gangsta. She handled it like a pro. A bit of a leap of faith, I know, but I was right wasn’t I?

Sawyer was behind Sun getting taken
They did a good job of disguising this except for one large fact: it was during Sawyer’s back-story and the episode was called "The Long Con." I was a little fuzzy on the detailed but I figured Charlie helped due to the conversation they had on the beach (nailed it!). Now why he did it, is still beyond me.

Blind Sided
Things I just didn’t see coming.

Shannon dying
Don’t get me wrong, I was pretty happy about it, but another main character death? Wow, not expecting that, especially this early in the season.

The whole deal with the Hatch
Wow, so I was super wrong. To the point where I’m too embarrassed to relive my prediction. Needless to say, I was not expecting some dude living in a 1970s style bomb shelter pushing some button for some reason.

Ana killing some dude
I think my biggest flaw is assuming that the writers wouldn’t make any of their main characters too evil. Something I clearly need to stop given Sawyer, Kate, and now Ana.

Crazy/Interesting Observations

The plane must have been carrying an industrial sized order of tarps
Seriously, have you noticed the number of tarps they have on this island? Where do they get them all? I figure an international flight could have upwards of 10 tarps on it but on the show, I’m estimating there are roughly 50 tarps being employed.

Locke is also a film-restoration expert
Did it bother anyone else how easily Locke spliced the two films together? I mean, it was seamless. I’m pretty sure I couldn’t make that splice with the latest in film splicing technology and yet Locke does it with scissors and scotch tape.

Locke is the worst possible person to have push the button in a crisis
Have you noticed the amount of times he’s entered the number wrong when the world is about to end? I mean seriously, dude, how many times have you see those numbers? I guarantee it’s less than me but watch how easily I type in the correct numbers: 4-8-15-16-23-42. Come on, dude, man up!


The Others all have “The Sickness”
Russo said she killed the members of her party because she had “The Sickness” yet we know that her husband was alive and kicking when she shot him (she tells Sayid that her husband fell for the ol’ pulled out the firing pin trick too). This leads me to believe that “The Sickness” is either some sort of mental illness or the perception thereof. I’m not sure which, but given the direction the show is taking, I’m going to say that “The Sickness” is the belief that the island is your home and you do not want to leave.

Charlie dies the end of this season or early next
His character is quickly becoming useless. Right now, he’s just being used as a patsie for Sawyer and Sayid’s plans.  That and he seems to have totally snapped. Now, this goes against every rule of television logic, I know, but Lost seems to be trying their best to break those rules. So there you have it: my boldest prediction yet.

Power Rankings

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